Last-minute summer vacations to Mexico
On the hunt for your ideal last-minute summer vacations to Mexico? You'll discover top package deals and affordable air travel to a truly breathtaking, invigorating destination when you turn to WestJet Vacations. Our vacation experts understand that The Land of Enchantment is a special place — and that summer is a special time of year — so they work hard to hand-pick the best last-minute deals at the best hotels and resorts. For a better summer getaway experience, book with WestJet Vacations today.
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We're serious about your satisfaction
You can rest assured that we have a long-term commitment to excellence in air travel, vacations and guest experiences. We take pride in having the best guest service and guest satisfaction ratings in the country.† It helps to explain why we're the smart choice for last-minute summer vacations to Mexico. So if you think it's time to get away and enjoy renowned attractions including The Yucatan, Riviera Maya and World Heritage Sites, look no further than our assortment of tailored deals.