WestJet's supplier destination
Welcome to our Supplier page — your destination for Supplier information to help you learn about doing business with WestJet. This is the place to find the information you need from our safety promise and Supplier Code of Conduct, to important contact details and more.

The WestJet safety promise
At the WestJet Group, we care about the physical and psychological health, safety, and security of one another and our guests. Every WestJet Group employee, partner and vendor is responsible for ensuring safety and security, and is committed to:
- Identifying hazards and risks before they become incidents
- Sharing information on all safety and security issues
- Reporting any condition, action or process that may affect safety or security
- Adopting a continuous improvement mindset to ensure our dedication to this promise is never static

We pledge that no disciplinary action will be taken against any individual for reporting a safety or security concern, except in a case of willful non-compliance with regulations or company procedures, or when a criminal act has been committed.
Diederik Pen
Transport Canada Accountable Executive
WestJet Group Executive Vice-President, Chief Operating Officer and President of WestJet Airlines
Supplier code of conduct
Partnering with like-minded businesses is critical to WestJet. Our supplier code of conduct is one way to ensure we work with suppliers who are aligned with our position on vital areas including:
- Business integrity
- Responsible business practices
- Environmental management
- Responsible treatment of individuals
- Health and safety
- Information and data management

Prospective supplier general intake form
If you are a supplier interested in conducting business* with WestJet, please complete our intake form:

*Submission of the form does not constitute an offer or commitment by WestJet to contract for the purchase of any products or services. If your capabilities match our business needs, you may be contacted directly by WestJet’s Procurement team. Filling out this form does not guarantee a response.
Inbound freight standards & procedures
The Inbound Freight Standards and Procedures Manual covers WestJet’s supply chain requirements for delivering to the Distribution Centres in Calgary and Toronto. The Manual provides the foundation for the success of WestJet teams and their supplier partnerships.
Tax information
Suppliers may be asked to provide additional tax information including sales tax registration numbers (e.g., GST/HST, QST, VAT, etc.), IRS form W-9 and other information as required.
WestJet’s standard payment terms are sixty (60) days from the invoice receipt date, unless discounted terms have been negotiated or contract terms provide an alternative.
Contact our suppliers team
For general procurement questions: procurement@westjet.com
For general accounts payable questions: accountspayable@westjet.com