WestJet waives checked baggage fee(s)* for active or veteran Canadian military personnel.
* Note:
- WestJet must be the marketing and operating carrier on the entire journey.
- A WestJet guest who presents a CFOne card indicating the guest is a family member (i.e., "CF-F" or "V-F") is not eligible for waived baggage fees.
Any military personnel travelling for business or personal reasons can do so with a maximum of 4 bags on WestJet flights and a maximum of 3 bags on WestJet Encore flights at no additional charge.
We will not charge overweight and/or oversized baggage fee(s) fee(s) for military personnel; however, baggage exceeding our maximum permitted size or weight will not be accepted as guest baggage and must be shipped via cargo (all applicable fees apply).
Please be aware of the following military identification we accept, and what you must produce before you board your flight:
- A physical or digital CFOne card with "CF" or "V"
- Certificate of Service (CF 54 or CF 75) from any branch of the Canadian military
- Discharge certificate from any branch of the Canadian military
- DND ID card for National Defense (NDI 20)
- Record of Service Card (NDI 75)
- Statement of Service from any branch of the Canadian military
- Valid DND temporary ID card (NDI 10)
- National Association of Federal Retirees with “Canadian Armed Forces Veteran” stated on the card.
WestJet also waives the baggage fees* for active military personnel from other countries who show valid military identification.
This exemption does not extend to:
- Current Department of National Defence (DND) public servants and their families
- Serving and former Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and their families
- Other members of first-response agencies, peace officers, etc.
- Current staff of Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) and their families
- Current staff of Defence Construction Canada (DCC) and their families
- Current staff of Communications Securities Establishment (CSE) and their families
- Honourary Colonels/Captains(N), Lieutenant Colonels/Commanders and their families
- Former Staff of the Non-Public Funds, Canadian Forces with a pension and their families
- Former Staff of Department of National Defence (DND) with a pension and their families
- Family members of the Staff of the Non-Public Funds (NPF), Canadian Forces (CF)
- Family members of the Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC)