Self-serve options
You might be able to skip the call. We've put together a library of our Contact Centre's most frequently asked questions.
Answers to Top Questions
Most travellers can change or cancel a flight online.
Change or cancellation fees may apply per direction, per person for each affected flight, depending on the benefits of the fare you purchased.
Check your flight dates and times and review all your trip details.
Choose from a variety of fares, with options that include more flexibility.
We have low fares that can get you where you’re going for less.
Explore common topics
Manage your trip
Change your flight and seats, add bags, review your itinerary and more.
Manage your existing flight

Baggage Information
Review information on our baggage guidelines such as size and weight allowances, and baggage fees to help you pack and plan according to your needs.
Prepare for your trip
Check WiFi availability, meal or entertainment options and more for your specific flight.
Introducing the all-new WestJet Rewards
We’ve announced exciting enhancements to WestJet Rewards, making it easier to earn, redeem and achieve status.
Already a member? Discover how we’re making WestJet Rewards more rewarding.

Booking a new flight
Choose from a variety of fares, with options that include more flexibility.
Helpful information when booking a flight

Types of payments
When it comes to paying for your flight or vacation, you’ve got options. We’ve put together simple, step-by-step instructions for how to book your flight or vacation with all types and combinations of available forms of payment.
Companion Vouchers
Get a reduced base fare for a guest when you book together.
Video Tutorials for how to use companion vouchers
We've created a small library of video tutorials with step-by-step instructions on redeeming your companion voucher with different payment types.
Your Account
When you sign in to WestJet Rewards, you can manage your account, reset your password and check your Travel Bank credit balance.
WestJet gift card

Giving the gift of travel has never been easier. Mail a plastic gift card, send an e-gift card via email, or buy in-store at participating retailers across Canada.
Connect with a live agent
Our live chat agents are available to help with general inquiries seven days a week from 6 a.m. MT – 8 p.m. MT.
If you want to change or cancel your flight and you booked through a Travel Agent (online or directly), third-party like Expedia or Airmiles, Corporate Travel arranger, or another airline, please contact them directly.
Our live chat agents can help with:
- Change or update a name on an existing booking
- Baggage allowance
- Prepare for your trip (check in options, flight status, find a reservation code, flight itinerary or receipt)
- Wheelchair assistance
- Cancelling a flight
Before you start the chat:
- If you choose to close the chat panel or your browser, you will have to start over to establish your place at the back of the queue.
- Live chat is currently only available in English.
Your chat will be recorded for business analysis and quality assurance. WestJet treats your information in accordance with our privacy policy.